Showing posts with label Het Goudblommeke in Papier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Het Goudblommeke in Papier. Show all posts

14 July 2024

Brussels - revisits - June 2024

With two nights in Brussels, after three nights in Antwerp for Bierpassie Weekend (21-23 June), there was a chance to revisit some favourite beer bars with Simon, Richard and Andrew and solo on Monday evening after their return to London.

At the end of this post, the chart above showing posts about previous visits to Brussels bars, provides blog post weblinks for more photos and descriptions of all the bars revisited.

Only a few steps from the iconic Mannekin Pis water feature lies the pub we inevitably visit on the Sunday as it is closed on Mondays.


The tables in the courtyard of Poechenellekelder were all occupied on a warm Sunday afternoon but we secured a table immediately inside, near windows which overloooked it.
Our table was also near two other windows, one open, facing buildings in Rue du Chene.
The ceiling above had the familiar combination of puppets and suspended bric-a-brac.
The beers Tim enjoyed here for the first time were draught Blanche Framboise by Brasserie de Bertinchamps (fruity but not sweet) and Pater Lieven Triple by Brouwerij Van Den Bossche from the bottle 'spicy-bitter with fruity character'. There were complimentary salty nibbles that were welcome as Tim wasn't ready for a meal yet, unlike Simon who had his customary lasagne dish before getting the Eurostar train back to London.
There's some street art on the Rue du Chene on the route for our group of three to the next destination.


We arrived at GIST soon after 7pm, just too late for 'Happy Hour' offers which start at 5pm.
Beers are priced for 25cl and 50cl measures and there's always an interesting selection chalked up above the bar.
The 25cl glasses of draught beer that Tim enjoyed here for the first time (photographed with the handpumps in the background) were Fee Steve (Blonde) by Brasserie Valduc-Thor (4 euros) and La Super Sanglier (Blonde) by Brasserie Minne (4.50 euros). These small breweries are both based between Brussels and Namur to the south and their beers are unlikely to be seen at Antwerp bars in Flanders, north of Brussels.
Apart from the handpumps, interesting features in GIST include lamp shades made from a variety of percussion cymbals and the ceiling mouldings.
An interesting selection of music was played on the sound system during our visit. The SoundHound music App came in useful for identifying some of the music. 
Simplenote stored the results for use in future blog posts etc!
Place Dinant
Just as GIST is a short distance from Poechenellekelder so also our next destination is a short distance from GIST and just around the corner from Place Dinant.

La Fleur en Papier Doree / Het Goudblommeke in Papier

After visiting on two consecutive days in 2023, Tim was determined to revisit La Fleur en Papier Doree also known by its Dutch name Het Goudblommeke in Papier.
Andrew and Richard were easily convinced to head there and immediately impressed by its charm on entering.
The small bar is decorated with items that have hung there since 1944 by Geert (Gerard) van Bruaene who knew all the artists of the day. A small blackboard on the counter reveals that the beer of the month is Taras Boulba from Brasserie de la Senne (4.20 euros).
A laminated menu card on the bar lists the regular beers available. Beers can be served with ginger extract for a 40 cents supplement. Draught beers are priced for 25cl or 40cl servings.
Tim chose his favourite here - a large glass of draught Saison Verschueren (5 euros).
Our table was in the front room with an unusual 'stove', sprouting brass knobs, between us and the windows with stained glass sections.
In keeping with the cafe bar's floral name there was a charming painting of flowers on a wall.
Before leaving, Tim promised to return on Monday but would instead visited the sister establishment - Brasserie Verschueren. His promise will surely be kept eventually as La Fleur has become a firm favourite in Brussels.

A la Mort Subite

On a warm Monday afternoon, after visiting Woodpecker kiosk, Au Bon Vieux Temps and Le Corbeau with Andrew and Richard, our last beer together would be at the renowned A la Mort Subite, Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potageres 7.
The brasserie has high ceilings, rows of identical tables, bench seating against the long wall and ornate walls with many mirrors to make the space look even bigger. It was very quiet and so there was no chance to observe the practised technique of the waiters which usually provides some additional interest.
Draught Mort Subite Peche (6.50 euros) was Tim's refreshing beer of choice.
Tim, Richard and Andrew
All good things must come to an end but there was still time for a photo outside A la Mort Subite before Andrew and Richard headed for their Eurostar train back to London.

Brasserie Verschueren

A few hours later, in the evening of that warm Monday, the cafe tables outside Brasserie Verschueren, Saint Gilles, were busy while nearly all the tables inside were free.
It was a pleasure to return here, join the short queue at the bar, order a large Saison Verschueren / Verschu and drink it at a table surrounded by the minimalist art deco style surroundings of the cafe bar with all the windows open.
A 33cl bottle of Verschueren Tripel was the second beer Tim obtained from the bar.
With Twitter / X on his phone for company and some tunes playing on the sound system that suited his taste, the SoundHound music App and Simplenote again came in useful.
An obligatory photo of the historic football leagues indicator at the far end of the cafe bar was another memento of this relaxing evening.

Brasserie de l'Union

At the opposite end of Parvis de Saint-Gilles from the church, Brasserie de l'Union enjoys a prominent corner site with windows on two sides. 
After a first visit to L'Ermitage Sant-Gilles, Tim sat inside Brasserie de l'Union for a beer and a meal before continuing to Brasserie Verschueren. The Plats du Jour listed on a blackboard were tempting and keenly priced but an order of a small spaghetti bolognese from the standard menu was delivered as a small vegetable lasagne. Perhaps an attempt to order in French would have achieved the intended result? However, this substitution was accepted without question and enjoyed.
Most beers are keenly priced at 4 euros (cash, no bank cards) and Brasserie Lupulus Organicus triple, brewed near the Luxembourg border, was refreshing. Music played here included Police & Thieves - Junior Murvin.

Weblinks for blog posts about previous visits to these bars

Name                  Blog link                                                            No of photos

A la Mort Subite                          3

Brasserie de l’Union     3

Brasserie de l’Union                  1

Brasserie de l’Union     2

Brasserie de l’Union                                  2

Brasserie Verschueren             6

Brasserie Verschueren                  2

Brasserie Verschueren    1

Brasserie Verschueren                               3

GIST                       7

GIST                                                       2

GIST                                                   2

La Fleur en Papier Dore                      2

Poechenellekelder                                  6

Poechenellekelder                          6

Poechenellekelder                              3

Poechenellekelder                      4

Poechenellekelder         5

Poechenellekelder                                          4

Poechenellekelder                                      2

15 July 2023

Brussels 2023 - first visits

Brussels Bourse / Beurs will be repurposed as Brussels Beer World with a 350 square metre terrace on the roof for the new Skybar. Our visit from 2 July 2023 was too early for a first visit as its planned opening date was postponed and it is surrounded by barriers. The Bourse has notable bars nearby that face it including Le Cirio on the north side and Falstaff on the south side.

Le Cirio

Derek Blyth reports that Le Cirio was founded in 1886 by Francesco Cirio of Turin as a delicatessen. It's interior was remodelled as an Italian grand cafe by Henri Coosemans in 1909.
Tim met Graham inside Le Cirio on Tuesday 2 July, as he was finishing his dish of Moules a la Mariniere / Frites (23 euros). Mark and David joined us soon afterwards.
Photos of the interior and Tim's Blanche de Bruges are included in his Threads post:

Our group passed Het Zinneke bronze sculpture on the way to Au Daringman.

Au Daringman

Au Daringman, Rue de Flandre 37, is situated opposite Maison de la Bellone
In Belgian Cafe Culture, Regula Ysewijn writes that 'The story of Au Daringman starts in around 1942 with the family Hazendonk. The interior is unique in its kind with the geometrical shapes in wood and leather. Mr Hazendonk was a boxer and a member of the 'Daring Club de Bruxelles' in the 1950s-60s.'
A ceiling mounted Stella Artois sign occupies the full width of the cafe at its midpoint. Tim enjoyed listening to the music choice here - Dry Cleaning - as well as the decor and a Hoegaarden Blanche to drink. On a future visit, it would be interesting to see if the cafe is different later in the day and to look inside Maison de la Bellone.
Tim's Threads post has more photos:

Bar Victoria

On Monday 3 July, Tim and Les visited Halles St Gery for a coffee at the cafe / bar and a good look at the displays about Oradea and Arabesque (Zenzel). A guide to Brussels old port from the information desk would prove useful for finding an interesting route to Bar Victoria at the Gare Maritime Food Market. Our route took us to St Catherine and St Jean de Baptiste au Beguinage churches and then a visit to Institut Pacheco / Grand Hospice which has an outdoor bar and the Atelier for Gansbeek Brewing Co. See Tim's Threads posts for photos: Halles St Gery: 

At Square Sainctelette (at the top of the Brussels old port walking route) we noticed two street sculptures (Cormorant and Agent 15 with De Vaartkapoen) before continuing north east on the far side of the canal past Tour & Taxis Entrepot Royal and then left to Gare Maritime where the Food Market is at the east end.

We met Graham inside and chose beers from the limited range of Bar Victoria drawn from beer tanks above the bar structure. Kwak Blonde and Stella Artois were variously chosen and ordered online. The beer menu is displayed on touch screens at the bar and the beers need to be collected from a side counter of the bar. A similar rule applies for the food outlets at Gare Maritime.
There are several breweries based nearby, including Brasserie de la Senne, En Stoemelings and La Source Beer Co, but these may not open every day.
See Tim's Threads post for photos of Gare Maritime, canalside vista and street sculptures: 

Het Goudeblommeke in Papier

On Monday evening, Tim enjoyed a first visit to Het Goudeblommeke in Papier / La Fleur en Papier Dore with Mark, David and Graham. Named by art dealer Geert (Gerard) Bruane in 1944 after he acquired the cafe, it became a literary and artistic hub. After nine months of closure, the cafe reopened on 25 May 2023 'with the Brasserie Verschueren team, strengthened and supported by the same cultural organisations as before'.
The cultural heritage lives on in the shape of pictures and items on the interior walls that make it a fascinating space to explore. Tim suggested a second visit on Tuesday evening and after Monday's draught Saison chose a bottle of Brasserie de la Senne Jambe de Bois from the limited beer menu, as seen above. Gentle and soulful music enhanced the relaxed atmosphere at this new favourite bar.
For more photos see Tim's Threads post: 


Earlier on the Monday we enjoyed a meal at Nuetnigenough which now operates a 'No reservations' policy. David sensibly ensured we arrived at 25 Rue du Lombard before 7pm and we were shown to a table by the window without the need to queue. Others arriving soon after us would still be queuing when we left, about an hour later.
The beer range, daily food menu, service and value must explain why this restaurant is so popular. On his first visit, Tim's choice of draught Brasserie Dupont Redor Pils was also a pleasant surprise. David enjoyed draught Gueuze Tilquin with his meal. 
Photo: Mark Geeson
For more photos of Nuetnigenough including dishes in place of the menus, see Tim's Threads post: 

Le Coq

On Sunday evening at Poechenellekelder we met up with David D, who is often in Brussels, after his meal at Nuetnigenough. He generously bought our group a round of beers after leading us to Le Coq, near the Bourse. 
Valeir photo: David B
David B chose a Valeir Blonde and Tim eventually chose Brasserie de la Senne Saison van de Bruwer.  Le Coq is a long and narrow brown cafe with mirrors on the wall and floor tiles that were looking rather grubby. It was good to visit another respected Brusssels bar for the first time but it's not one that Tim is keen to revisit soon.


The last 'first visit' of this trip was on Wednesday 5 July after a substantial baguette 'sandwich' at La Brocante and as the clean up squad arrived at Place du Jeu de Balle / Vossenplein remove all the broken glass and rubbish left over from the daily market. Having endured repeated playings of an Abba album, Tim persuaded Graham to join him on a visit to nearby CHAFF while recently arrived Mark guarded our bags and ordered his La Brocante 'sandwich'.
Bistro Le CHAFF has an alternative informal style and a beer menu featuring several beers from new Brussels breweries on draught and in bottles or cans. Some interesting music was playing including Porches 2016 album Pool. 
Tim spoke to Mathieu at the bar who agreed to pass an autumn 2022 issue of Ullage magazine to Brasserie de la Mule as it featured the Schaerbeek based brewery. Mathieu also helped Tim to get a photo of the different colourways of the Illegaal Tropicaal cans which he would enjoy after a can of Brasserie de la Mule Saison.
Be warned that here are very steep and narrow steps up to the first floor room and to the toilets on the second floor. However, Mathieu had the experience to carry a round tray of beers upstairs with one hand!
For more photos including the food menu, hexagonal floor tiles, Illegal Tropicaal cans and Graham's Berliner Weisse in a glass with a handle, see Tim's Threads post: 

Cafe Caberdouche

After arriving by train from Antwerp, the first 'first visit' of this Brussels trip was to Cafe Caberdouche at the Place de la Liberte on Sunday 2 July. The Jacques Brel hostel 'advance party' of Tim and David, now without luggage and with room keys, settled at a table outside Cafe Caberdouche overlooking the grassed area in the tree lined square.
Tim's choice of Brasserie de la Senne Crush was from a blackboard of extra beers beyond the standard beer menu of 7 draught beers and 15 bottled beers. Although we had a pleasant location, the breeze was cool and the sound of breaking glass accidents nearby was unnerving. Unless you are staying at the nearby hostel or perhaps visiting Bier Circus (open Tuesday - Friday), a visit to this out of the way  Cafe should not be a high priority.

Babel Bar (Jacques Brel Hostel)

Hostel courtyard with bar tables (daytime)
Later on Sunday evening, after visits to the reliable Poechenellekelder and a first visit to Le Coq we decided to try out the Jacques Brel hostel bar where four of us were staying. Hotel based Graham joined us for the bus to the Rue de la Presse stop leaving a short walk along Rue du Nord to reach the hostel which overlooks Place des Barricades.
With tables drawn together in the pleasant courtyard with a fountain to accommodate our group, Tim took the opportunity to enjoy Quatre Saison (6.5% ABV) and Cinq Cense (7% ABV Saison) beers from Brasserie de Jandrain-Jandrenouille based near Orp-Jauche, between Brussels and Liege. These were both economically priced at 3.60 euros, to suit a hosteller's budget. The multitasking barman was happy to see some well deserved coins from Tim's change end up in the tips jar.